Classes & Clubs
Kidspace is many things to many people. Here you will find information about pre-school / after school classes and our action packed holiday club. If you are a school or group then check out our Group Bookings page for our special rates.
How does it work?
All of the classes at Kidspace are either run by one our trained team or in most cases independent companies who specialise in these classes or clubs. Most of the classes require you to sign up to a minimum of a 10 week course, which range from £4.50 to £9 a class. However some sessions are actually free as they are included in your admission price.
Daisy First Aid is an award winning first aid company that specialises in teaching parents and grandparents what to do in an emergency. Our class focuses on babies and children and includes hands on, practical skills and advice, including CPR, recovery position, head injuries, burns, bleeding, severe allergies, meningitis, broken bones, febrile convulsions and what to do if your baby/child chokes.
Babies up to 12 months are welcome in class.
2021 schedule:
Contact: or visit
Class cost: £15 per person
See class times & book online:

Baby Ballerinas is a popular pre-school dance programme designed for 2-7 year olds. This fun and creative class captures the imagination of your child through fairytale themes, make believe, and dressing up. During the class the children learn to warm up, stretch their feet, skip, walk on tiptoes, and more. Children soon begin to stand with the correct stance and to dance with poise and grace. Pink leotards, skirts, tutus and ballet shoes, wands and wings are all welcome, and can be purchased at the Baby Ballerinas class.
Contact: Lorraine on 070 9204 0211, email:
Classes cost: Fees are £48 per term (variable based on 12 week term). Sibling discount available.
Class days: Tuesday and Wednesday

Growing Buds 2-5 years
From cheeky monkeys making mischief in the jungle to intrepid explorers in search of hidden treasures, we encourage your children to embrace their natural curiosity and enter a land of make-believe. Wannabe fairies, pirates-in-training, aspiring wizards, they all have the chance to generate larger than life characters and perform their stories at Dramabuds every week.
Contact: Becca on 020 8669 2355, email
Classes cost: First class free! Then £7.50 per class (payable by the term) Sibling discount available.
Class times & days: Thursdays @ 10.30am (term time)

10am to 11am. Every Monday except the last Monday of the month.
All babies, parents and carers welcome.
Aged between 4 weeks and up to 1 year.
Contact Carly on 07583754527

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